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Ancient Rome

Rome was not your typical ancient city, it was unique because of its geographical setting. Rome, like many cities was located on a river, the Tiber River. It was inland from the west coast by several miles an therefore was somewhat protected from sea raiders. Many cities were being developed in the seventh and sixth centuries BCE, so this was not unusual. Most ancient cities were built on a promitory or elevated outcropping or plateaus highland surrounded by cliff faces, which provided a fortified position that could be defended. Rome was not. Most ancient cities were surrounded by a protective wall. Rome built walls as it grew in territory. Most ancient cities had an urban center that contained public spaces including a central plaza, a temple, and citadel, or central fortress. Rome eventually developed such a center, but it was located on a swampy lowland plain the had to be drained by a gigantic sewer system. Rome is the most unusual city of the ancient world because it incorporated Seven Hills the contained tribal villages the had to be assimilated before the city of Rome could emerge. Because of this characteristic, Rome was destined to, in time, become the largest and most powerful city of the Mediterranean World.
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